
SAE takes strong pride in all philanthropy events. Now, as a chapter the campus and community can expect to see more efforts from the fraternity.
“Relay for Life is what we are working on now,” said Michael Tebow, SAE Treasurer, “ It’s an all night event, you walk around the track and people donate money for how many laps you take.” 
The brothers will continue to work on Bobcat Build and their weekly visits to Texas Nursing Center.
“You can always find us at the nursing center, on Friday afternoons playing bingo with the residents,” said Andrew Bundy, SAE Risk Manager.
The Fraternity wants to find more ways of giving back to the community too. They hope to be able to set up a sports camp for San Marcos youth in the near future.

 Recent philanthropy events:
  • Children's Miracle Network
  • Cuddles for Claire
  • Bingo with the elderly
  • Bobcat Build
  • Canned food/turkey drive
  • Various town clean-up events

"When it comes to helping out, We don’t believe in doing it for the media attention. Our goal is to support the organizations that need help." - Paul Allen

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